
Spirituality at the end of life

Rome (NEV), June 29, 2019 - Pastor Sergio Manna, representing the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) participated on Friday 28 June, in...

Refugee Day #IoAccolgo. The participation of the churches of Rome

Rome (NEV), June 22, 2019 – On Thursday 20 June, in Rome, on occasion of  the World Refugee Day, promoted each year by the...

Ventimiglia. The Waldensian Diaconate opens a desk for social and legal issues

Rome (NEV), June 22, 2019 - "The presence of the Waldensian Diaconate on the border area between France and Italy is being reinforced, with...

Luca Maria Negro: “Refugees dying in the sea is not an option”

Rome, NEV/CEC, 20 June 2019 - Rev. Luca Maria Negro, president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, has been instrumental in founding...

European humanitarian corridors from Libya, interest from Conte

Agenzia NEV -19 June 2019 Replying to a joint letter from the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in italy (FCEI), Pastor Luca Maria...

Eco-communities. The second diploma of the Centocelle Baptist Church

Rome (NEV), June 15, 2019 – On Sunday June 2, the second eco-community diploma was bestowed to the Baptist Church of Centocelle (Rome), by...

Milan. The Agreement for the ‘Rooms of silence’ signed with the Municipality

Rome (NEV), June 15, 2019 - The collaboration agreement for the promotion of the ‘Rooms of silence’ was signed in Milan on 5 June. "The...

Cross-cultural experience. Being brothers and sisters

Rome (NEV), June 7, 2019 - On the 2nd of June in Palermo, the path of the cross-cultural Training and Hospitalization Laboratory (LINFA) promoted...

#boicotalplastic. No to food wrapped in plastic

Rome (NEV), June 7, 2019 - The Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) adhered to the...

Lutherans. Starting and concluding projects

Rome (NEV), June 7, 2019 – The Lutheran Evangelical Church in Italy (CELI) and the municipality of Ercolano (Naples) signed an agreement for two...

Ultimi Articoli

La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 16 luglio 2024 - Sono molte le organizzazioni firmatarie dell’ennesimo appello che chiede un ripensamento totale delle politiche di accoglienza europea delle...

Protestantesimo – RAITRE: quattro ritratti di evangelici

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Quattro ritratti di evangelici le cui storie si intersecano con le vicende del nostro Paese. È quanto propone...

Centro Islamico di Monfalcone. Delegazione evangelica in visita dopo ennesimo atto razzista

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Il 12 luglio una delegazione evangelica ha visitato il centro islamico di Monfalcone (Gorizia) di Via Duca d’Aosta...

Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...