
April 25, Liberation Day. A message from the OPCEMI president

Rome (NEV), April 27, 2019 – “You, my brothers, were called too be free”. Galatians 5: 13a. “We celebrate, as all the Italians, the anniversary...

Those Who Do Not Leave.

Rome (NEV), April 24th, 2019 – The “Lo sguardo dalle frontiere” (A Look from the Border) editorial is written by operators of Mediterranean Hope...

A silver medal at the #FineVita Interreligious Manifesto

Rome (NEV), April 23, 2019 - The Inter-religious Manifesto of Rights in the end of life paths, presented last February 5 in Rome and...

What can happen at Notre Dame

Rome (NEV), April 23, 2019 - We publish a brief meditation written by the president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI),...

“A total denial of the fundamental rights of people and migrants”

Brussels (NEV), Aprile 17th - On 9th April the European Parliament in Brussels hosted the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) as it presented its findings on...

CYCLONE IDAI. A subscription of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy

Rome (NEV / CS21), April 16,  2019 - The Council of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) has launched a subscription for...

I was shipwrecked and you helped me…

Rome (NEV), April 12, 2019 - An installation with a great emotional and symbolic impact, a shared worship service on Palm Sunday, a flash...

Rome, the story of 100 women (and we too are among them)

Rome (NEV), April 6, 2019 - There is also Federica Brizi, in charge of the migrants and refugees reception for the Federation of Protestant...

Congress of  Protestant women. Gabriela Lio new president

Rome (NEV), April 6, 2019 - Gabriela Lio is the new president of the Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI), elected by the...

Torre Maura, FCEI: “Martin Luther King taught that the fight against fascism  goes with...

Rome (NEV / CS22), 4 April 2019 - "On the day when we remember the murder of the Baptist pastor and leader of the...

Ultimi Articoli

La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 16 luglio 2024 - Sono molte le organizzazioni firmatarie dell’ennesimo appello che chiede un ripensamento totale delle politiche di accoglienza europea delle...

Protestantesimo – RAITRE: quattro ritratti di evangelici

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Quattro ritratti di evangelici le cui storie si intersecano con le vicende del nostro Paese. È quanto propone...

Centro Islamico di Monfalcone. Delegazione evangelica in visita dopo ennesimo atto razzista

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Il 12 luglio una delegazione evangelica ha visitato il centro islamico di Monfalcone (Gorizia) di Via Duca d’Aosta...

Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...