
Anche il leone deve avere chi racconta la sua storia, non solo il cacciatore

Roma (NEV), 15 marzo 2019 - Chi sono, cosa fanno e quali strumenti virtuosi possono mettere in campo rispetto alle tematiche delle migrazioni le...

#disarmament. In Rome the conference “Production and trade of armaments: our responsibilities”

Rome (NEV), March 8, 2019 - "As president of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy (FCEI), today represented here by the Globalization and...

World Day of Prayer 2019

Rome (NEV), March 8,  2019 – Worship and prayer meetings were held in over 170 countries in the world on the occasion of the...

Italian Adventists. Paris reconfirmed president

Rome (NEV /, February 28, 2019 - Pastor Stefano Paris will still be the president of Italian Adventists for the next five years,...

Naples. A Community Center for vulnerable Italians and foreigners

Rome (NEV /, February 28, 2019 - A new Community Centre was officially inaugurated in Naples, at the ACLI (Italian Union of Christian...

Return to Africa

Rome (NEV), February 28, 2019 - The "dublinates” are migrants sent back to Italy from other European countries according to the Dublin Regulation, which...

Sea Watch – FCEI and Waldensian Diaconia: “Migrants still in Malta, we are willing...

Rome, February 11 - 2019 - (NEV CS/13) - "Over a month ago, on January 11, migrants picked up at sea by the ship...

Libya, Terre des Hommes and FCEI provide specialised medical care for the most vulnerable...

Roma (NEV), 18 febbraio 2019 - The new project promoted by Terre des Hommes, together with Mediterranean Hope – the Refugee and Migrant Programme...

Welcoming Europe: 65,000 signatures collected in Italy for the welcoming side

Rome (NEV), February 21, 2019 - This is the Italian result of the campaign "We are a welcoming Europe”, of which was held the...

Adventists. The XXVI Assembly in Milan

Rome (NEV /, February 21, 2019 - The XXVI Administrative Assembly of the Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Churches (UICCA) will take...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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