
#Opentheports for Sea-Watch 3.  The humanitarian bridge between sea and land

Malta (NEV), 4th January 2019 – “We are facing, today, 4th January 2019, with gratitude, joy, embarrassment and sadness” so said the vice-President of...

December 12. Appointment with Anne Soupa

Rome (NEV),  December 12, 2020 - The Interfaith Observatory on Violence Against Women (OIVD) organized  a meeting entitled "We are all Anne Soupa" for...

Appeal to the Prime Minister Conte for a total revision of the Italy-Libya agreements

Rome (NEV),  September 19, 2020 - The Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture in Italy (ACAT) issued its "Urgent Call" on  September...

World day for Decent Work. GLAM:  work be decent and sustainable

Rome (NEV), October 12 2019 - On the occasion of World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of...

For the first time a Protestant in the National Bioethics Committee

Rome, March 28th, 2018 (NEV/CS16) – On March 23rd last the Prime Minister’s Office renewed for the next four years the composition of the...

Naples. A Community Center for vulnerable Italians and foreigners

Rome (NEV /, February 28, 2019 - A new Community Centre was officially inaugurated in Naples, at the ACLI (Italian Union of Christian...

Protestant women / anti-violence dossier: Implemet the Istanbul convention

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2019 - The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) has edited the new folder "16 days to win violence"...

Protestant women: pursuing culture and gender alliance

Rome (NEV), October 2, 2020 - In a letter sent on September 25, 2020 to the female bodies of the Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Waldensian,...

Ecumenical prayer for the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

Rome (NEV), November 30, 2019 - The ecumenical prayer for the 20 years of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), a...

Between Scampia and the “Third World”. The Arzano Baptists open an anti-violence space

Rome (NEV), November 23, 2019 - "Arzano is a difficult area", says Rosetta Uccello of the local Baptist community: "here in the 1990s the...

Ultimi Articoli

La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 16 luglio 2024 - Sono molte le organizzazioni firmatarie dell’ennesimo appello che chiede un ripensamento totale delle politiche di accoglienza europea delle...

Protestantesimo – RAITRE: quattro ritratti di evangelici

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Quattro ritratti di evangelici le cui storie si intersecano con le vicende del nostro Paese. È quanto propone...

Centro Islamico di Monfalcone. Delegazione evangelica in visita dopo ennesimo atto razzista

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 - Il 12 luglio una delegazione evangelica ha visitato il centro islamico di Monfalcone (Gorizia) di Via Duca d’Aosta...

Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

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