
#HumanitarianCorridors 1400 People Arrived in Italy Until Now

Rome - October 31, 2018 (NEV/CS40) – This evening Ahmed was reunited with his wife and his 5 children - 2 of them, one...

#StopWeaponEgypt: “The Parliament must urgently decide”

Rome (NEV), June 19 - According to reports from various press organs, the Council of Ministers, with no dissenting voice, would have decided to...

#MeToo #ChurchToo. The churches respond to the evidence of sexual abuse

Rome (NEV), January 12, 2019 – The public meeting "#MeToo #ChurchToo: How the churches respond to the evidence of sexual abuse" was held on...

Contagion of Hope: food support project of the Waldensian Diaconate

Rome (NEV), November 13, 2020 - The Waldensian Diaconate - CSD participates as a partner in the project "Contagion of Hope: serving the poor...

Corona virus. From the interviews to three pastors in the times of contagion

Rome, (NEV), March 15, 2020 - We publish some passages contained in the interviews to three pastors by the NEV Agency at the time...

Claviere. All condemned

Rome (NEV /, December 21, 2018 - All the requests of the Public Prosecutor's Office have been accepted and all the seven activists...

The #humanitariancorridors will continue. Today the signature of the new Memorandum of Understanding

Rome (NEV), November 7, 2017 – Great satisfaction for this ‘good news’ among the project of humanitarian corridors promoters. Pastor Luca Maria Negro, President...

Offida, the first Italian municipality to sign a partnership for humanitarian corridors

Offida (NEV), June 21, 2019 - Offida, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, is the first Italian municipality to sign a partnership for humanitarian...

Salvation Army. School-kit for pupils in trouble

Rome (NEV /, September 14, 2018 – Also for this school year the Salvation Army (EDS) comes into action in favor of disadvantaged...

Synod. The greetings of Pope Francis and of Msgr. Maurizio Malvestiti

Torre Pellice (Turin) August 31, 2018 – With a message signed by his own hand, Pope Francis sent his greetings to the Synod of...

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