
Juncker speech. FCEI’s President Negro: Europe finally gives a sign

Rome, September 14, 2018 (NEV / CS32) - "Europe finally gives a sign and affirms what has been obvious for years, that is, the...

CYCLONE IDAI. A subscription of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy

Rome (NEV / CS21), April 16,  2019 - The Council of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) has launched a subscription for...

Baptists, Methodists and Waldensians prepare for the 2022 Assembly / Synod

Rome (NEV), April 11, 2021 - The online meeting entitled "This land was created for you and me. Perspectives for the Baptist-Methodist-Waldensian territorial collaboration...

FCEI’s President Negro: 2018 will be a crucial year for ecumenism

Rome (NEV), January 15th, 2018 – This year marks an important anniversary in regard to ecumenical dialogue: it’s been 50 years since the elaboration...

“Anti-Covid vaccines: a responsible choice”

Rome (NEV), January 17, 2021 - "We take care of ourselves by taking care of the community". This is one of the nodes in...

Ventimiglia. The Waldensian Diaconate opens a desk for social and legal issues

Rome (NEV), June 22, 2019 - "The presence of the Waldensian Diaconate on the border area between France and Italy is being reinforced, with...

 Lampedusa, “Activate immediate reception networks. Open EU legal pathways”

"We cannot emphasise strongly enough that the only way to tackle “irregular” migration is to open channels which are legal, secure and managed at...

“Health means salvation”

Rome (NEV), December 5, 2020 - Health as a gender right. On  November 25,  the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,...

Europe is dying on Lampedusa: appeal by FCEI

Rome (NEV), 12th May 2021 - A letter from Mediterranean Hope, migrant and refugee programme of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), which...

Blessing of gay couples, “God wants love and does not judge it”

Rome (NEV), March 20, 2021 - The Catholic Church does not have the power to bless same-sex unions. This was stated by the Vatican...

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