
Sanremo 2021, Random and the (protestant) Rap

Rome (NEV), March 13, 2021 - Emanuele Caso, aka Random, is the young evangelical musician who in recent days was treading the stage of...

Bethany Protestant Hospital. The celebration of the 50th anniversary

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2018 - "The 50 years of the hospital are a concrete demonstration that we can make solidarity and sustainable health...

A new center of legal aid, in Naples, for the rights of migrants

Rome (NEV), March 27, 2021 - A juridical center is born in Naples for complex cases to provide legal support for foreign citizens in...

The Challenge for A United Church

The General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was held in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA), July 8-12. The week before (June 30 -...

Ripabottoni: the small town that doesn’t want migrants to go away

Rome (NEV), January 20, 2018 – There is much disappointment among the inhabitants of Ripabottoni, a village of the Molise hinterland, for the closing...

Bologna. Bridges of peace, religions and cultures in dialogue

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2018 – Pastor Eugenio Bernardini, moderator of the Waldensian Board and Paolo Naso, coordinator of Mediterranean Hope (MH) - refugees...

February 17th. Freedom Day

Rome (NEV), February 21, 2019 - On  February 17th, 1848 King Carlo Alberto, with the Patent Letters, put an end to centuries of discrimination...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/7. A document on ecumenism

06Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – A document on ecumenism, the first since 1988, was presented to the Synodal Assembly. Professor Fulvio Ferrario, Dean...

Grosseto. Vandalism against the Baptist Church

Rome (NEV), January 18, 2019 – The members of the Evangelical Baptist Church in Via Piave, Grosseto (Tuscany), on January 9th morning, found an...

Waldensian 8/1000, this is how the funds were used in 2019

Rome (NEV), December 5, 2020 - How were the funds raised by the Waldensian 8/1000 used? The detailed report of the projects funded in...

Ultimi Articoli

Pastasciutta, mafie, caporalato

Roma (NEV), 16 luglio 2024 -  Il 25 luglio 1943 la famiglia di Alcide Cervi festeggiò la caduta del governo Mussolini offrendo a tutti...

Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...

La FCEI aderisce all’appello per i lavoratori della ex GKN di Firenze

Roma (NEV),  15 luglio 2024 - Il Consiglio della Federazione Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI) ha deciso di aderire all’appello lanciato dalla Società operaia...

Cosa significa essere valdesi, oggi. Risponde Anaïs Scaffidi Domianello

Roma (NEV), 12 luglio 2024 – Che cosa vuol dire essere valdese, oggi? In occasione degli 850 anni dalla nascita del movimento valdese, insieme...

VALBUM, il primo album di figurine per gli 850 anni di storia valdese

Roma (NEV), 12 luglio 2024 - Per celebrare i 40 anni di Radio Beckwith evangelica (RBE) e gli 850 anni del movimento valdese nasce...