
Pastor Eugenio Bernardini, moderator of the Waldensian Board: A word to say to a...

Rome (NEV / Riforma), August 18, 2018 - The Methodist and Waldensian churches are heading to their Synod in an Italy that shows resentment,...

Paolo Naso: Unintentional racism

Rome (NEV), August 18, 2018 – “No other topic like migration occupies the pages of newspapers and monopolizes the political debate. It has been...

Abolition of the Mancino law? Immediate the “no” of the moderator of the Waldensian...

Rome (NEV), August 18, 2018 - "Wrong, inappropriate and untimely", so the moderator of the Waldensian Board, pastor Eugenio Bernardini, commented on the proposal...

SAE. 55th Session concluded in Assisi

Rome (NEV), August 18, 2018 - The 55th Session of Ecumenical Training of the Secretariat for Ecumenical Activities (SAE) on the theme "The Churches...

The new issue of the “Sunday School” magazine

Rome (NEV), August 18, 2018 - The June 2018 issue of "The Sunday School", the six-monthly magazine of the Training and Education Service (SIE)...

#apriteiporti (open the harbours). FCEI President: “Solidarity with NGOs rescuing at sea”

Rome (NEV), August 3,  2018 - "In these days the asylum right is questioned as it never happened before". The president of the Federation...

Welcome Manifesto. This is a church which welcomes…

Welcome Manifesto. This is a church which welcomes…   “In as much as you have done this for one of the least of my brothers,...

Methodists and Waldensians: the District Conferences trace the pre-Synod picture

Rome (NEV), 26 June 2018 - This month the Methodist and Waldensian churches, divided into four territorial districts (Waldensian Valleys, Northern, Central and Southern...

City of Rome without funds: Salvation Army forced to suspend services to homeless

Rome (NEV), June 21, 2018 - The Day Center of the Salvation Army in Rome, on June 18th had to suspend the reception services...

#WithRefugees. Italian Protestants mark the World Refugee Day 2018

Rome (NEV), June 21, 2018 - Pastor Luca Maria Negro, President of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) – on the occasion...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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