
Refugees. Naples as ‘Shelter Town’

Rome (NEV), January 26, 2018 – A platform was created in Naples to support the integration of migrants and asylum seekers. It is made...

Lampedusa. Catholics and Protestants together for migrants’ rights

Rome (NEV), January 26, 2018 – The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), the Migrantes Foundation (pastoral organism of the Italian Bishop’s Conference)...

Italy’s Salvation Army presents its first Social Report

Rome (NEV), January 20, 2018 – The first Social Report of the Salvation Army in Italy was presented on January 17 last, at the...

Ripabottoni: the small town that doesn’t want migrants to go away

Rome (NEV), January 20, 2018 – There is much disappointment among the inhabitants of Ripabottoni, a village of the Molise hinterland, for the closing...

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Negro (FCEI) in Belgium for the Opening

Rome (NEV), January 18, 2018 – The traditional Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18-25), celebrated all over the world, is kicking off....

Humanitarian corridors. Prime Minister Gentiloni: “A virtuos model, a path to be pursued”

Rome (NEV-SE), January 18, 2018 – Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, in a letter addressed to the presidents of the Community of St. Egidio, the...

#Humanitariancorridors. Two small Syrian Patients treated in Ragusa

Rome (NEV), January 15, 2018 – In Ragusa (Sicily), a virtuous synergy between churches, civil society, health workers and volunteers allowed two Syrian brothers...

FCEI’s President Negro: 2018 will be a crucial year for ecumenism

Rome (NEV), January 15th, 2018 – This year marks an important anniversary in regard to ecumenical dialogue: it’s been 50 years since the elaboration...

Beyond the earthquake. “The children’s corner” inaugurated in Muccia

Rome (NEV), January 13, 2018 - The new "Children’s Corner" entertainment space was inaugurated on the 4th of January in Muccia, in the province...

Bergamo. The Trucca Park named after Reformer Martin Luther

Rome (NEV), January 1st, 2018 - "Martin Luther Park to the Trucca" will soon be the name of the largest green lung of the...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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