
Rome. Commemoration of the British Methodist Missionary Henry J. Piggott

Rome (NEV), November 30, 2017 – Today, on the centennial of his death, at the non-Catholic cemetery of Rome, a commemoration of the Methodist...

Ecumenism. Towards a permanent consultation body of Christian churches

Rome (NEV), November 30, 2017 – Also in Italy there shall be a permanent national consultation body for the Christian churches. This is the...

#HumanitarianCorridors. After Italy and France a similar project also in Belgium

Rome (NEV), November 27, 2017 – The Italian ecumenical model of the “humanitarian corridors” continues to be an example in Europe: after France a...

Women Rights. 16 days to overcome violence: “I’m not like those…!”

Rome (NEV), November 25, 2017 – The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) has produced a special brochure for the “16 days to...

Italian Lutherans. A pilot project in favor of “dublinated” asylum-seekers

Rome (NEV), November 23, 2017 – The Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) in collaboration with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy (CELI),...

Ecumenism. In Assisi, Italian Christians discuss about reformation in today’s churches

Rome (NEV), November 20, 2017 – “In the name of  the one who reconciles us all in one body”. This verse from the epistle...

Funeral of drowned baby in the Sicilian town of Scicli after tragedy in the...

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2017 – On November 14th, in Scicli (Ragusa, Sicily), the church of San Giovanni was packed with people taking part...

#HumanitarianCorridors. The Waldensian Diaconia, the Genoa Protestant Hospital and the Jewish Community together for...

Rome (NEV), November 11, 2017 – Two events to learn more about the humanitarian corridors project promoted by the Federation of Protestant Churches in...

Eucharistic hospitality: In Rome Catholics and Protestants shared the supper in a Lutheran worship

Rome (NEV), November 11, 2017 – On Sunday October 29th, a group of the St. Paul outside-the-walls Community took part, at the Lutheran Church...

Milanese Protestants: a silent demonstration for migrant’s citizenship rights

Rome (NEV), November 11, 2017 – The Milanese Protestant churches celebrated the Reformation Day with a silent demonstration for the “ius soli”. On Tuesday...

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La futura Unione Europea deve difendere il diritto di asilo in Europa

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