
Sicily. Lentini Evangelical Churches approve the opening of a migrants reception center

Rome (NEV), September 28, 2017 – “We find the initiative of the Mayor, Saverio Bosco, and of the municipal administration of the town of...

“Living and Witnessing the Border”. International Conference in Palermo and Lampedusa

Rome (NEV), September 26, 2017 – More than one hundred participants from various countries are expected to attend the International Conference organized by the...

The 130th Anniversary of the Salvation Army in Italy

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2017 – It was a joyful event what recalled, last September 16th, the arrival of the first “Salvationists” in Rome,...

Humanitarian corridors. FCEI President writes to the President of the Italian Republic

Rome (NEV), September 21, 2017 – Pastor Luca Maria Negro, president of the Federation of Protestant churches in Italy (FCEI), sent a letter to...

74th Venice Mostra. The INTERFILM Award to Alireza Khatami

Rome (NEV), September 20, 2017 – The INTERFILM Jury of the 74th “Mostra internazionale d'arte cinematografica” in Venice (30 August – 9 September) has chosen...

Luca Maria Negro: The light of Christ

Rome (NEV), September 13, 2017 - Ten years ago, from September 4 to 9, 2007, the third European Ecumenical Assembly was held in Sibiu,...

Humanitarian corridors. New arrivals at Fiumicino Airport

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 –  In the morning of August 29 last, 33 Syrian refugees arrived in Italy from Lebanon. They entered the...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/1. Moderator Bernardini: “Towards a new horizon of responsibility and testimony”

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 - "North and South coexist in cities, in ecclesiastical assemblies and ecumenical bodies. It is an epoch-making change that...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/2. The themes on the agenda of the Assembly

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – Regarding the migrants and refugees issue, on the 24th of August, the Synod approved, by an overwhelming majority,...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/3. 8 per Thousand: transparency, social assistance, cooperation and development

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 - The Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian Churches approved the agenda related to the management of financial resources,...

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