
Waldensian and Methodist Synod/4. For religious freedom and against terrorism

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – The Waldensian and Methodist Synod, convened in the closing session at Torre Pellice (Turin), approved an item on...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/5. Families in the plural: approved an historic document

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 - The Synod of the Methodist and Waldensian churches, after a lengthy and articulated debate, largely approved the document...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/6. Fifty years of female pastorate

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – The Synodal assembly, convened in Torre Pellice (20-25 august), recalled that during the 1967 Synod, Carmen Trobia and...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/7. A document on ecumenism

06Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – A document on ecumenism, the first since 1988, was presented to the Synodal Assembly. Professor Fulvio Ferrario, Dean...

Waldensian and Methodist Synod/8. Diaconate as service and witness

Rome (NEV), September 6, 2017 – The debate on diaconate went on in the Synodal hall about educational, health and social services; reception, hospitality...

Ecumenism. Reforming the life of Churches

Rome (NEV), August 4, 2017 – From July 24th to 29th took place in Assisi (Umbria) the 54th Session of the ecumenical Summer training...

City of Palermo. A street dedicated to Pietro Valdo Panascia

Rome (NEV), August 4, 2017 – Following the request of the local Waldensian Church, the Municipality of Palermo accepted to name a street to...

Torre Pellice. Methodist and Waldensian Synod starts from August 20th

Rome (NEV), August 1st, 2017 – The annual Synod of the Italian Methodist and Waldensian Churches will be held in Torre Pellice (near Turin)...

Giovanni Franzoni past away: remembering his ecumenical creativity of sharing

Rome (NEV), July 18, 2017– “On behalf of the Italian Protestants I wish to express our feelings of Christian sympathy for the death of...

Torture is a crime. But…

Rome (NEV), July 18, 2017 – “This law has been approved with 30 years of delay, despite the commitment Italy took with the United...

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