
Earthquake. FCEI inaugurates the first structure in Passo di Treia (Macerata)

Rome (NEV), April 3, 2017 – On March 30th - more than 5 months after an earthquake struck Central Italy – in the small...

An Interview With Luca Negro. Building A Welcoming Church

Translated by Duncan Hanson / American Waldensian Society - This is the first part of a longer interview with Luca Maria Negro, a longtime leader...

Segre. Protestants solidarity: “Sad and scandalous”

Rome (NEV), November 16, 2019 - "The fact that a ninety-year-old person, escaped from the Auschwitz concentration camps, be forced in today's Italy to...

Ecumenism. Italian Bishops’ Conference new President greeted by FCEI

Rome (NEV) May 31, 2017 – Pastor Luca Maria Negro, president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), expressed his congratulations to...

FCEI’s President Negro: 2018 will be a crucial year for ecumenism

Rome (NEV), January 15th, 2018 – This year marks an important anniversary in regard to ecumenical dialogue: it’s been 50 years since the elaboration...

Moderator Trotta on the Honorary Committee of the “Consorzio Pinerolo Energia”

Rome (NEVCS44 /,  October 18, 2020 - The "Consorzio Pinerolo Energia” (CPE – Pinerolo Energy Consortium), created with the aim of fostering synergy...

End of life. The Interreligious Manifesto signed in Rome

Rome (NEV), February 9, 2019 - "It is important for us Protestants to have signed this 'Interreligious Manifesto for the end of life rights’...

“Rete Disarmo”: stop  Italian weapons towards Turkey after bombing in Syria

Rome (NEV), October 19, 2019 -  "Rete Disarmo", the Italian Network for Disarmament (RID), of which the Globalization and Environment Commission (GLAM) of the...

Greece, FCEI: “Ready to replicate Humanitarian Corridors”

Rome (NEV CS/07), 6th March 2020 – “What is happening on the borders of Europe, in Greece and Turkey, challenges Europe’s moral and legal conscience,...

Lutherans in Italy. 2020 Synod postponed to October

Rome (NEV),  April 18,  2020 - The 1st Session of the XXIII Lutheran Synod, originally scheduled from April 30 to May 3 in Castellammare...

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