
Social Aid. A golden ant for Italy’s Salvation Army

Rome (NEV), March 4, 2017 -  The “Golden Ant 2017” awards were assigned in Rome on February 25th to agencies or individuals who distinguished...

Humanitarian Corridors. FCEI President: “A message to all populists”

Rome (NEV), February 28, 2017 – “When the Lord brought back the captives, we were like men who dreamed”. This is how pastor Luca...

The ‘humanitarian corridors’ project completes its first year

Rome (NEV), February 27, 2017 – One year ago the first large group of Syrian refugees arrived safely to Rome Airport thanks to the...

Humanitarian Corridors. An Italian ecumenical mission in Morocco

Rome (NEV), February 21st 2017 - An Italian ecumenical delegation left yesterday for Morocco with the aim to strengthen local relations in order to...

Waldensians. In Turin thousands to the streets for the first bonfire of freedom

Rome (NEV), February 17, 2017 – The celebration for the lighting of the “bonfire of freedom” in Piazza Castello in Turin – the first...

Evangelical churches improve their body for relations with the State

Rome (NEV), February 12, 2017 - The Commission of evangelical churches for the relations with the State (CCERS), a body promoted by the Federation...

Islam. Appreciation of the FCEI President for the new “National Covenant”

Rome (NEV), February 7, 2017 – In congratulating the Minister of Internal Affairs Marco Minniti on the recent signature of the “National Covenant for...

Second Generations. Associations ask for a Reform of the Citizenship Law

Rome (NEV), February 6, 2017 – “This time there is no excuse: this reform has to be voted. From a numerical point of view...

Bioethics. A “Living Will” bill to be resumed in Parliament

Rome (NEV), February 5, 2017 – “Every adult and capable of discernment, in anticipation of his/her future incapacity of self-determination, may - through Anticipated...

Earthquake in Central Italy. The Protestant churches offer help

Rome (NEV), February 5, 2017 – The commitment of the Italian Protestant churches continues in the areas affected by recent earthquakes, occurred in August,...

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Attentato a Donald Trump, le prime reazioni delle chiese

Roma (NEV/Riforma), 15 luglio 2024 - Sono ovviamente moltissime le reazioni, anche da parte delle chiese, al tentativo di omicidio che ha visto coinvolto...

La FCEI aderisce all’appello per i lavoratori della ex GKN di Firenze

Roma (NEV),  15 luglio 2024 - Il Consiglio della Federazione Chiese Evangeliche in Italia (FCEI) ha deciso di aderire all’appello lanciato dalla Società operaia...

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