
Humanitarian corridors. The “IX Mediterranean festival of laity” awards the pilot project

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2016 – The IX edition of the “Mediterranean Festival of laity” took place in the city of Pescara from October...

Humanitarian corridors. A group of 128 Syrian refugees arrived at Fiumicino from Beirut

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2016 – 72 Syrians on October 24th, and another 56 after 24 hours, arrived at Fiumicino airport from Beirut (Lebanon)...

Ecumenism. Cardinal Koch meets the Protestant churches representatives of Piedmont

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2016 – Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of Christian Unity (PCPCU) on October 14,...

500th of the Reformation. The initiatives of the Italian Protestants

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2016 – In view of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the Italian Protestants have been engaged in several initiatives....

Waldensian Faculty. Opening of the Academic year 2016/17

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2016 – Professor Paolo Ricca, emeritus professor of History of Christianity, last October 3 in Rome opened the Academic Year...

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